Bibliothèque EDLV
Biliothèque réservée aux adhérents du Club l’Echiquier de la Ville de Montreuil. Veuillez vous raprocher de Hugues si vous souhaitez emprunter un livre
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Training for the Tournament Player1
100 exercices nouveaux pour progresser aux échecs. Tome 21
100 exercices pour vous préparer aux tournois, tome 31
Why You Lose at Chess: Second Edition (Dover Chess)1
Break the Rules!: A Modern Look At Chess Strategy (Everyman Chess)1
Comment devenir un joueur de tournoi accompli1
Brilliant Chess Studies1
Studies for Practical Players: Improving Calculation and Resourcefulness in the Endgame1
Les finales aux échecs : Le "Villeneuve" 20121
Modern Endgame Practice (Batsford Chess Book)1
Pandolfini's Chess Challenges: 111 Winning Endgames1
Chess: Endgames1
Chess School1
How To Be a Complete Tournament Player1
Revolutionize Your Chess1
Play Winning Chess1
Histoire des échecs1
Finding Bobby Fischer1
Meet the Masters1
Positional Chess Handbook (The Macmillan Chess Library)1
Exploiting Small Advantages (Batsford Chess)1
Find the Winning Move1
Genius in Chess1
Chess Middlegames1
A Contemporary Approach To The Middle Game1
L'art de l'improvisation aux échecs1
Play the French (Cadogan Chess Books)1
Mastering the French1
The French Defence: A Complete Black Repertoire1
The Main Line French: 3 Nc31
Mille Et Une Anecdotes Recueillis Autour De L'échiquier1
Nottingham 1936: 21st Century Editions (Russell)1
Improve Your Chess - by Learning from the Champions by Lars Bo Hansen (2009-08-25)1
The Development of Chess Style1
Chess Secrets: The Giants of Power Play1
Secrets of Attacking Chess1
Botvinnik - Petrosian: 1963 World Chess Championship Match1
Gagner aux échecs : Les plans après l'ouverture1
Chess Secrets: Heroes of Classical Chess: Learn From Carlsen, Anand, Fischer, Smyslov And Rubinstein1
The Grandmaster Battle Manual1
La Joueuse d' echecs (Le Livre de Poche) (French Edition)1
Chess : Knowledge, Training, Mastery1
How To Play Dynamic Chess1
Positional Play1
Foundations of Chess Strategy1
Secrets Of Chess Transformations1
Dynamic Chess Strategy: Extended & Updated Edition1
Winning Chess Strategies (Winning Chess - Everyman Chess)1
Les coups invisibles aux échecs (French Edition)1
600 Combinations1
Tactical Chess Exchange1
Calculate Like a Grandmaster: Learn from the World-Class Attacking Players (Batsford Chess)1
The " Times" Winning Moves1
The Times Winning Moves (Everyman Chess)1
Positional Sacrifices1
Chess Puzzles (Usborne Guides Series)1
Positional Chess Sacrifices1
Art of Attack in Chess1
Move First, Think Later: Sense and Nonsense in Improving Your Chess, 3rd Edition1
How Good Is Your Chess? (Cadogan Chess Books)1
Tempêtes sur l'Echiquier1
Botvinnik-Smyslov: Three World Chess Championship Matches: 1954, 1957, 19581
Le Nouveau Guide des échecs1
10 Great Ways to Get Better at Chess1
Why Lasker Matters1
Les Echecs : Roi des jeux, jeu des rois1
News in Chess 1-20111
News in Chess 3-20111
News in Chess 2-20131
News in Chess 5-20131
News in Chess 7-20131
News in Chess 8-20131
News in Chess 2-20141
News in Chess 4-20141
CBM #1311
CBM #1331
CBM #1391
CBM #1441
CBM #1481
CMB #1591
Les 100 meilleures parties de Spassky1
Les Idées cachées dans les ouvertures d'échecs1
75 parties d'Alekhine1
La défense est-indienne1
The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal1
360 brillant and instructive end games1
Mes 60 meilleures parties1
L'art du combat aux échecs1
Anthology of Chess Combinations1
Encyclopedia of Chess Middlegames: Combinations1
Les échecs faciles pour tous1
A toi de jouer1
Mieux jouer aux échecs1
The Chess Greats of the World: Bobby Fischer1
The Chess Greats of the World: Ivanchuk1
The Chess Greats of the World - Mikhail Tal1
1000 Endgame Studies1
Le guide des échecs1
S'entraîner aux échecs : 100 tests pour gagner1
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